Starting Your Own Hypnosis Practice: What's It Like To Own A Hypnosis Clinic
How to Start Your Own Hypnosis Practice in Canada Many people dream of making a career helping people improve their lives with hypnosis. Yet they are not sure if hypnosis is a good career, and if hypnotists make good money. Whether you are new to hypnosis and looking for an introductory training course or you are considering hypnosis as a second career , there are several benefits many people may not yet be aware of. In this episode, Tree Ryde from the Burlington Hypnosis Centre joins Robbie to discuss what it's like to work as a hypnotist, to help others, and to have your own hypnosis business. We discuss topics including: What it is like to own a hypnosis clinic using the Master Hypnotist Society method of hypnosis training. How fun and rewarding it is to help people with hypnosis. Hypnosis can be a great money-making opportunity when you are willing to learn how to grow yourself and your hypnosis business to get client results. 00:00.00 Robbie Spier Miller Hello everybody. My name is Robbie Spier Miller and I'm your host for The Hypnosis Show Podcast and today we're going to be having Tree Ryde here. Tree Ryde is the owner of Burlington Hypnosis and she's joining us to share with you what is it like to own a hypnosis clinic and build up your business so that you can get an idea of what to expect when you go down this career path. So welcome Tree Ryde. 00:35.40 Tree Ryde Hey Robbie Gorgeous. Good. How are you? 00:45.68 Robbie Spier Miller So I think it would be really really helpful for a lot of people to hear about your experience with doing the Master Hypnotist Society mentorship and building up Burlington Hypnosis. I know you purchased Burlington Hypnosis from me and I trained you for many years um and so now that you've owned it for a number of I guess that's getting close to a year now share with people what it's like to actually own your own clinic and be in this this system and this training approach to help you do that. 01:20.42 Tree Ryde Okay, so yeah, um, the first and foremost owning the business is super exciting like it's you know once you get into the flow of certain things and the great thing about the Master Hypnotist Society is that the culture. The whole culture like everybody were supporting 1 another at any point in time if I have any questions or I need some sort of feedback. It's there. It's great. So it really speeds things up in terms of um. I used to own my own business before and sometimes I would get caught in my head should I do this or should I do that or blah blah blah right? and it really slowed me down it really made me lose money really as a business owner so to have the feedback and to get the direction that I need is. Really? Um, oh my gosh like you can't even put a price on that you know you really can't and yeah and it's the the feeling of security that that's there and the culture the culture is really there is no failure There's only feedback and you just plow forward. You really do and it's exciting because now it's almost a year and I can't believe it. It went by so fast and it's just like yeah this is awesome I can do this It's no big deal. Um, and it really is ah the support the system the actual. Processes that the master hypnosis society has in place makes things really simple and easy and of course I don't even have to mention you have tons of other podcasts here on the whole self-changing as well. So the growth in actually being a business owner. Um. All of it. All of it is just friggin awesome. 03:19.12 Robbie Spier Miller So were you nervous before you took over the business. 03:23.22 Tree Ryde Yeah I mean I'd be lying if I said no, it's in and part of it was just change right like change in Itself. You know you're kind of get comfortable and where you're at um so but. There was also the excitement element right? and the whole like heck yes, this is gonna be good right? and you kind of flip back and forth. But once you move through it that whole. Um, yeah, it's more excitement I got. Like it really is exciting to 1 own your own business to actually doing it and be in part of a process and a team like the Master Hypnotist Society to have the support the growth personal growth and then also seeing all of your clients grow like.. It's so Cool. So Cool. So Yeah I don't know what else to like?? Um, oh my gosh I can go on forever about this so some specifics um I find only a clinic there's we go through certain themes with client 04:45.90 Tree Ryde Which I find interesting that I didn't expect or know which is cool and even giving myself feedback on those themes because I feel like I get my own growth as well doing it like 100 percent yeah we're all human right. 04:56.95 Robbie Spier Miller So we learn we learn with our clients Sometimes yeah. 05:05.69 Tree Ryde So reminding myself of that as well that I'm just human as well and there's you know I can put I have this like this lever that I can put more pressure on myself or I can take it off whenever I need to for me personally I do like a lot of pressure and so sometimes it's. Sometimes I have to put even more pressure and but some but I know that that lever's there and it goes both ways. So I can you know take the pressure off and go golfing in the middle of the day if I want to you know if needed. So yeah, it is the best. decision I ever made um I went million percent best decision I've ever made like I'm having a blast doing it like just a blast doing it. It's so much fun. Even the marketing part like it's fun to meeting. Meeting the ad reps and getting to know new people and some marketing I was like wow I didn't even know this was a thing and it is a thing and you know you try it out. See what works and you know just like alter plan is needed like yeah so it is. Just a lot of fun. Um, yeah, even with clients sometimes like some I don't want to say challenging clients but some those are sometimes the best learnings for being a business owner for being a human right? because it's like. Ah, what version of that do I have going on in myself or how can I help another client with knowing this information. So it's a lot of feedback for self. Um and of course asking for feedback like oh my gosh how many times have I called you and just say hey guys. Yeah, right? And literally it's a second like it's just and then you'd move forward as opposed to what I was saying originally when you and I just first started speaking here on the podcast. There's none of that back and Forth. It's a quick call get an answer all right. Go forward, move forward and keep on going forward. 07:22.34 Robbie Spier Miller And so you know from having another business in the past that as a business owner you could spend your time and energy and money on all kinds of things and so it really helps to have some guidance and a system. To make wise choices about that because otherwise it could go in all kinds of directions. So 1 of the benefits is that we've been doing this as a group for over 35 years in many many different markets. So you're benefiting from all of that experience. Even though you're fairly new at those. 07:54.28 Tree Ryde Absolutely one thousand percent yes on that one. 08:42.35 Robbie Spier Miller Yeah, so it's knowing when to simply follow instructions and then there's lots of room for creativity and experimenting when we're working with our clients but being able to bring that together in a useful way is a big part Of. Of how we do things. It's a big part of the success. 09:02.36 Tree Ryde Absolutely. 09:05.34 Robbie Spier Miller Yeah, and so some people who train with us at Hypnosis Training Canada some people open their own clinics and start from scratch and then there are people who purchase other people's clinics and and their benefits to each 1 depending on whether you're ready to really run with it or you want to grow something more slowly. We don't always have clinics available for sale. But when we do it. It can be a great opportunity for a person who really wants to run with things and and build things further. That that would be your situation. 09:39.52 Tree Ryde Absolutely like it was literally great to just walk into a turnkey business like literally in a turnke business I walked in and poof there like it was awesome, especially with the system in place. The master. To society the feedback just everything. It was very simple and I was easy. It was easy for me to just run with it right? off the bat right from the gecko um without skipping a beat. Ah yeah I didn't even I was making money from month 1 so yeah, like it was giddy up. Let's keep going. You know like even in the middle of a pandemic we here we are right? Um, and you know some people will be like why are you buying a business in the middle of a pandemic. Well hey. The opportunity knocked right? So and it was yeah it was just perfect and and yeah I've I've changed so much myself and to be able to have the opportunity to make money and help people change as well and have the same benefits that. 10:56.10 Tree Ryde Many many people that have been through the Master Hypnotist Society or trained with you specifically Robbie. Absolutely like that's definitely where where I want to be. I Even said to my husband just before I bought the business I said like I can't see myself doing anything else like I would be an idiot not to buy this. Have this opportunity like you know I know I know I know how to do it. There's a safety net of being in the system and just following the system so you know literally having the analogy of hey I just want to walk into a class right? I Just want to. You know, show me which road to go down and I will go down it and do it but like you said to Robbie You also have the flexibility that you know I can either sit on a bench and and or just get up and run and just take it and run which is more my speed. But. 11:50.91 Robbie Spier Miller Yeah, So if people tend to be more hesitant or take things step by step or get overwhelmed easily. You can build this step by step and other people really like the pressure and like building things quickly. And either way it's really a beautiful business model like I feel very fortunate that I learned how to do this and that this is what I do because I also can't imagine doing anything else. It's ah it's like this beautiful combination of making a good living helping people. Having the freedom to build things so that whenever you build you're the one building it and you can get the rewards of that. It's pretty cool. 12:31.33 Tree Ryde Absolutely,, It's It's such a like and I've owned my own business before and this is very different. It. It's it's less scary. It's very. Process oriented in a lot of ways which helps you helps me helps anybody that's going to open their own hypnosis business to really be able to run with it faster right? because I know when I started my other business it was in the fashion industry and you know. Was literally walking around knocking on doors. You know, building things from scratch and you know, kind of running like essentially I had no instructor so it wasted so much time and I look back if I known all of the things that I know Now. And I mean anybody at an older age. Well we're still quite young. So yeah, so I'm saying that we're young and hip Robbie like we're sexy little young and hip individuals that are rock in the business world and so but when I was a. 13:29.50 Robbie Spier Miller Of course we are What are you saying Tree. But. 13:45.22 Robbie Spier Miller Position. 13:45.48 Tree Ryde Way younger and hip individual. Yeah, there was no I was just like shooting in the dark had no idea and um, you know anybody that that wants to have the flexibility and to help people to you know, really. Have their handheld even right to an extent. Um, it really is a beautiful model. It really is and honestly Robbie being in it now like like being a business owner like I was in the mentorship program of course and working. But. Taking that next step to be a business owner like oh my gosh we should have done this so long ago we should have gotten married earlier. 14:33.99 Robbie Spier Miller And 1 of the things that many students. Um they they get in their own way by making it take a lot longer than it has do So even if you're building a business from Scratch. You can get going with this quite quickly and the real learning is in the doing. And so a great thing about you Tree is that you're you're good at jumping in and having the experience and then correcting as you go. There are many people out there who haven't really lived that way before and so it can be something new for people. But it's nice to know that you have the. Mentoring and the structure and the support system to help you Learn. What's possible and before I started doing this I didn't know my own business and I didn't know how to do many things around that so that was new for me I had to by doing it I discovered what was possible or what I could do. Um, so I think that's a really wonderful growth experience for people to discover what they can do what they're capable of. 15:37.56 Tree Ryde Absolutely and even the once starting from scratch right? So starting from scratch and just seeing clients seeing clients and just jumping in and seeing clients seeing clients seeing clients and that's and you'll just you know it's like. Going to a Zumba class for the very very first time or in my case, a step class. Oh my gosh. It's like a comedy skit right? But after like a few classes you know okay there's the step all right and you get some moves down pad and you know and then you get your risers on the. Step and then you you know you just repetition keep on going keep on going geez I tripped over that step in step class like a whole bunch. It was oh my gosh like I think I laughed so much like it was hilarious, right? And and I think the mood and the energy of sort of. Laughing things off and just being like okay and then understanding doing it different next time and the mood or energy of choosing to not take something so seriously, especially when it comes to your own human behavior and just really choosing to learn and. Being like oh okay, yeah, mess that up all right? Let's you know, move on right and it just really is as simple as that because the more that ah you get stuck in your head about it the more you're living in it and who wants to live there who wants to live like under like. Why did you do that? It's like well hey we all mess up sometimes you're human get over it just like step class. There's a step there right? Sometimes I forgot I was like oh right step class right. 17:25.92 Robbie Spier Miller So Talk a little bit about what it's like in the group because we have a very strong group culture here where we we train together and and learn from each other and we also learn from our clients. Um, and so what have you observed in terms of growing yourself. We're watching the other students and you've seen many students grow and and build their clinics and so share a little bit of at the. 17:54.70 Tree Ryde It's magical. It's almost like seeing kids grow up right? like just sometimes there's all kinds of different personalities or backgrounds and and then the reactions of as they're learning and then a feedback that they're getting and then you see like a. Settling in and that's settling in you're like oh cool like when you see that and then all of a sudden you see the students like take off in terms of like it's like wow like awesome like really and and then they open their own business. This is and it's like oh my gosh like we're all super excited and supported for everybody and that's the culture it no matter where you're at in your ah in your in the training itself. No matter where you're at building your business. Everyone is so supportive of everybody else. No matter where you're at and again it goes back to the whole there is no such thing as failure. There's only feedback and it's where you're at and you know it's it's loving caring. We all really respect care about everybody and. There's no competition. It really is we are all like holding hands together lifting us each lifting all of us are going up together right? like so even for me for you. You're growing your business I'm growing my business. Um, you know. Tamara, Tracy like I'm going to miss out some names I love you all and you know like Sonjali like Melora and you know everybody is. It's amazing, right? and we are all so supportive of 1 another. It really is. We're all holding hands lifting each other up and. 19:27.13 Robbie Spier Miller This just consist. 19:45.33 Tree Ryde I know that sounds kind of like, I don't know, like standing around a camp fire saying Kumbaya, but it's nothing like that at all, it's the support that business owners really need that they don't get you know a lot of other um, ah. I don't know like networking groups or what have you sometimes the support is not there. It really is everybody for themselves and it's unfortunate because that it it hurts people, it hurts business local businesses to actually grow to help and so the culture that we have here of just really boosting each other up. It's huge and it really helps 20:31.58 Robbie Spier Miller And it's It's really the whole reason why we do this like everybody who comes here and and learns and opens a clinic. We're all passionate about helping people realize their potential and help other people do that and so our focus is really on that and then we do happen to make. Really good money doing what we do, but our our foundation is really on helping people grow and so I think that helps the culture be very nurturing. 21:00.74 Tree Ryde A hundred percent absolutely and we all grow together and as individuals and that's a big part too. So even as the Master Hypnotist Society has grown over, would you say like 35 years right? Yeah and now. 21:20.53 Tree Ryde So to be part of a group that continues to grow exponentially says something almost itself right. 21:56.30 Robbie Spier Miller Yeah, great. So What else? do you think would be helpful for people to know about this like let's say somebody's considering this as a career and maybe they're taking a leap from something else or they want to transition gradually which is really what you did? Um, what what kind of. Advice would you have for them or what do you think would be useful for them to know. 22:19.29 Tree Ryde The most useful thing would be for them to be if if they're not kind of jumping right in and even if they're just doing it part time and still jumping right in for part time or for you know they're keeping their full time job but they're jumping in part time. You want to ask yourself if you're not jumping right in what are your fears. What are you afraid of right? And as you're being curious about that. You know, get feedback and move through it because if you allow yourself to stay there. You're going to be just sitting on the. Fence for way too long and when you're sitting on the fence. You're not making money from there. My friends. Okay, so as you're sitting on the fence you're watching Hundred or Thousand dollar bills just fly by and you can't reach them from there. Okay, so if you catch yourself in. Fear or or any other emotion or mood or energy completely unuseful because if you're sitting on the fence and you're not jumping right in. You're not having your own human experience to grow. Okay, you're just in your head and you don't have human. Experiences in your head right? It's like oh I have to pee can I think about peeing and pee. No, you can't you have to have a human experience to actually be right right? You can't just think about it okay yeah you can't just think about it right so it's the same 23:46.27 Robbie Spier Miller Um, yes, yeah I would agree with that. Ah, um. 23:55.44 Tree Ryde Thing it's the exact same thing just have the experience there really is no fear you get feedback and and the more that you you um, have the experience of doing it. There is no fear because you've experienced it and there is no fear. Or if there's something there's another emotion that's happening then make sure you're you're not staying in it because once you get over to the other side and you have the experience and you're with clients and you realize like ha wow I just got 2 new clients I just made ten grand this month or whatever or whatever. You know as you get more clients than it just is there is no what ifs there is no I don't know what's ahead. How do I do this? Just do it just jump right in. 24:48.30 Robbie Spier Miller And I think an important point around this is that the beauty of this business model is that people can start part time. We've had people keep their full-time jobs and build their business part- time we've had other people choose to leave their their their old careers and start fresh or or. Stay- at-home moms who want to start working Again. So people do this in all kinds of ways and depending on your situation. You can pace this in and whatever way feels good and in whatever way makes you feel safe and confident to do it and so it's so important to to just make a decision. Once you make a decision. There's no excuses You just find a way and if you don't actually the thing behind me says if it's important to you. You'll find a way and if not, you'll find excuses and there's a reason why I have this behind me and in the office. Um. So That's an important thing to be aware of because if you really decide that you want to make this happen you will and and I know I I dragged dragged my feet for years before I started I started a serious business doing this I wanted to do it for a long time. Um, and it really came down to a decision and there was no choice but to do it at that time. That's where I was at when I made it happen but before that hey I was comfy I could distract myself in different ways or allow the fear to take Over. Um, so there is something important and powerful around making that very clear decision and and setting up your life to support you in that decision which which does include financial considerations right? We all need to have a roof over our head and read on the table and all that's Important. So It's pretty nice that you can do this. And take care of all those other things at the same time. 26:55.78 Tree Ryde The more that you just have the human experience of seeing clients and doing it right? it it just it just is it really just is even. Think about how much time you spend. Even for example, right? like a friend of mine. She's like oh I don't know what to make for dinner or should I make this or should I make that or should I make this or should I make that or what do I have in the fridge I'm not sure. Well if I'm gonna make this then. Um, not sure if I have all the ingredients. Well oh my gosh like an hour. She could have made something in that hour like I could have made 2 meals in that hour like you know if you just start moving things around. 27:50.83 Tree Ryde Stuff out of your fridge. You know, just start cutting up. Whatever and you'll be surprised how it just falls into place right? and it always does. But yeah because you pull stuff out of your fridge and just get things done. No for sure. 27:58.22 Robbie Spier Miller Because you take action because you take action. Yeah. 28:10.77 Tree Ryde and and I could give you a million examples of you know how this goes right? You got a to do list and your list. Oh should I do this first or that first or this first or that just go do something just do something right. 28:22.69 Robbie Spier Miller You know? yeah and it's amazing how when you own a business and you see what's possible. The dithering about what's for dinner looks so ridiculous because you're going like really I could have made a ton of money in that hour. 28:39.55 Tree Ryde Oh. 28:41.37 Robbie Spier Miller I could to help lots of people I could have right? and so so it makes you also value your choices and your time more. 28:48.52 Tree Ryde Oh yeah, 1 hundred percent. When you're doing things and you feel very complete as you're completing all of these tasks There's no back and forth. There's just doing it and once you've done it. It's you know what? I like to call mind traffic. It's no longer. There. You're just on to the next thing and you're excited about the next thing right? And as you're continuing. You'll be surprised also hey what comes your way right? like as you see clients and you see them progress you see them their own lives get better. Your life gets better and just It's a continuum of that. So as you're looking at the possibility and that's what's great about the Master Hypnotist Society is that the whole thing is based on possibility right? And if you have that on your peripheral constantly this ha. What's my what? What can it be. Right? And just it does not stop. 30:44.55 Robbie Spier Miller That's right that the possibilities keep unfolding. It doesn't stop. So that's cool. It never gets boring. There's always more to learn. There are always new experiences which is cool. 30:53.91 Tree Ryde Yeah, and I like I actually almost instead of experiences I like to call them the next adventure I like I like to call it the next adventure right? like for for me I call them adventures like even um for my friends and stuff. It's like it's an. 31:00.30 Robbie Spier Miller Say that again. Awesome. 31:13.65 Tree Ryde Extravaganza right? I Always like if we're planning to do something.. It's It's never just like oh we're going for dinner. It's like the the Robbie and Tree dinner extravaganza right? like it's always something to make it as an adventure. So if you frame it that way. Right? So when owning your own business or opening your own business if you frame it as an adventure if you frame it as like cool I'm going to have a lot of new experiences. That's a better way to frame it than to be like oh crap right? You know. 31:44.51 Robbie Spier Miller And and a lot of this is willingness to embrace like every when you own your own Business. You got to do maybe not all of it. But most things you have to do yourself or you have to at least know how to do them if you're going to hire somebody else to do them for you and so being able to embrace. The whole spectrum is ah is a big deal because a lot of people. They're comfortable doing tasks but they're not so comfortable with people and vice versa right? Some people love a people and that they'll like never get their taxes done or they'll never keep their files up to date or right things like that. And so being being able to and learning how to do the marketing and the advertising and the Pr and and so really embracing having all those balls in the air and learning to have fun with all of it is a really important part of what we do and I know for me there was. Wrote There were many things that I do now that when I started I never could have imagined doing I was a very quiet shy person when I started doing this So a lot of the you know this is kind of an extroverted type of business to be in. So I had to stretch myself in different ways. But you you kind of realize like hey I can do this and it could be fun. But if you avoid it or you you go to your comfort zone then you'll never discover that. So I think a lot of for a lot of people. There's There's huge flexibility in different directions that develops. As you learn how to build a business and it's different for different people. 33:16.39 Tree Ryde Absolutely the flexibility is is totally totally key and sometimes that flexibility or growth is in different directions right? Like what you were just alluding to that. Um, you know for some people they enjoy the tasks. Um, people they enjoy the people I'm definitely a people person I think you're a people person too for sure and so yeah, it really is when it came down to some of the tasks I had to also frame it as it was an adventure. You're like okay well this is a task and it's. Gonna be an adventure and I'm gonna learn something new. Does it suck. 33:54.57 Robbie Spier Miller Or or by getting it done. You're free to go on your next adventure so you can reward yourself with an adventure. There's that too. Ah. 33:58.93 Tree Ryde Ah, oh yeah, absolutely and I'm good at rewarding myself of adventures. That's for sure. But no 1 hundred percent and and the the big thing too is you know, no matter if you're into tasks. 34:06.42 Robbie Spier Miller So then. 34:19.00 Tree Ryde You're into people sometimes if you look at allowing the people to and you're just reframing it in a different way and the growth happens as well. Even proving if you're into tasks and the more that you're with people you're proving to your nervous system. It's really no big deal that you're just. Kind of you'd be like oh Wow and it's it's It's really enlightening to see other humans grow and to see them have a better life for themselves and to to loop back to the whole master hypnotist and the processes and the. Feedback and the culture and everything it really is a beautiful, beautiful business to have to if you're but building it from scratch or you're buying it both because that support system's there right? So You know you're It's almost like being on like this. You know my husband and I were watching Downton Abbey right Now. So this metaphor is like a Downton Abbey metaphor. So you're on like your horse and carriage right? And you're like riding down the road but you know that if you lose a tire or your horse goes to stray like you you have help. You're not stuck you. You know, even if you if the horse goes astray and you fall flat on your face in the mud like you have a support system and it's not only like you know Robbie Spear Miller. That's like the guru of you know our our system up here. Um, or center of my universe anyways. But um, but you know that people can't see you do your beautiful smile and face and yeah, but it really is if you fall flat and flat in your face in the mud like there's a bunch of people that help pick you up. Pull together. You get they that person gets the feedback that they need from you or you know and it just you don't even remember you just keep on going but also having the experience of doing that. Um, hey you know that if you fall again, it's no big deal. 36:33.37 Tree Ryde It really is no big deal. No matter how much mud hey you know what? it's actually fun right? You had an experience and I love this saying that normally some of the the worst experiences that we all have are the best stories later. 36:51.67 Robbie Spier Miller That's really true. Yes, but for sure. But ah yeah, so so part of this is you know 1 of the things I totally love about what I do is that I do get to see people. 36:53.11 Tree Ryde It's no a hundred percent a hundred percent. 37:06.33 Robbie Spier Miller Grow through their limitations or the things that have been sabotaging them and so when we get new students here it it can be really like you know there's the sun and the clouds are blocking the sun and all of a sudden the clouds just go away and you can actually see the person and sometimes if we're hiding out in tasks. Or or we're tuned into people but maybe not in a useful way right? Sometimes people just want to please other people or they want to be the center of attention all the time or or some people hide out in doing tasks or or being you know in a certain role or having certain rules. That as they grow through this they when when we talk about the sun What that means is that they see oh I actually have choices here that I can feel good and confident and comfortable in a lot of different scenarios and a lot of times people will stay stuck in a holding pattern. Just because it seems safe. It's the way they coped with life at a certain point in their life but they they believe it's who they are and so what's really cool about this is discovering like hey that was just a way that I handled life for a long time and I got really good at it. And that you can get really good at doing other things too and and that really helps people to blossom into this because I'm sure many people listening you don't necessarily have all of the attitudes and behaviors and skills and abilities that it will take to make this Happen. You're here to build that in yourself as well as learning the techniques and all of that and how to do this So It's something that you you need to be passionate about for sure. This isn't the kind of thing you do just because you want to make money you got to love people. You got to love helping. Other people and and enjoying this whole way of doing things. Um, but that there's that you know that path that you want to be on to discover what's possible. 39:07.52 Tree Ryde Absolutely And the great thing is just learning how to like everything that you're saying is again going back to like falling in the mud off the cart you know, knowing that hey just look up. There's people around instead of. Having a temper tantrum there laying in the mud right? Just like this sucks blah Blah blah but it's like meanwhile hey we're all here like just look up like we're we're here to help. Yeah, like yeah and to to be able to see many of the students. 39:46.86 Tree Ryde Grow through that and to learn like what you were saying to actually grow and and them having their own experience right? Nobody can have it for them. It's their own and they're gonna have it in their own way right? like with a lot of the students some of them. Ah, have the same things that that I had going on or that you had going on or that other students had going on or whatever but you grow through it in your own way and that's the most important thing but it's choosing to grow through it if you stay face down in the Muds. Screaming with hands going like I'm in the mad I'm in. Mad this sucks this sucks right? as opposed to just like just get up like just just get up. You know it's really no big deal and having a good laugh like does it does it feel good to fall and fall in the mud. No, but hey it was an. 40:46.84 Tree Ryde Experience and you can laugh at it later and and choosing to to get to that mood or attitude faster is super useful. No matter if you're if you're doing it part time if you're and doing it once. Ah, 1 day a week or if you're choosing to do it full time. It's all a learning experience. And even not just for owning your own business or choosing to be a hypnotist but even in your own personal life too. It really is it helps with relationships. You know if you stay in in fear or in temper tantrums or anything like it's unuseful. For all areas of life. 41:28.50 Robbie Spier Miller Yeah, yeah, awesome. Great! So is there anything else you want to say or do you think we've covered f. 41:36.50 Tree Ryde Um, let me think a big part that I want to let everybody know is just how much fun it is and it really is like people are the most. Interesting species ever. You know like it really and when you explore it and in that kind of way and you're just and you're 1 of it too right? Like I mean me like you Well obviously like we're all, we're all Human. So as you. Take that high high level perspective of like oh okay, I'm just human huh All right? Then it really allows you to let go of the fear. Let go of you know with that as well as the guidance that you're giving. Feedback that you're giving the the systems that are in place like it really is I I don't even want to call it a safety Net you're literally in the system right? and it's just such a beautiful place to be the support the guidance the growth. Growth as an individual the growth as the groups as Well. So even from day 1 like and I don't even have to tell you because you have tons of people coming back to you just saying like oh my gosh Robbie like I can't believe how much I've changed or. Like how much my eyes have opened or you know so even as that's esque expedited owning your own business because you're having growth from a lot of different angles. Okay, so as you're a student but once you take make the decision and say yes. You know what I am gonna I do want to help people I do want to open my own business whether it's you know, part part time whether it's part time whether it's full- time whether it's in between parttime full-time whatever works for you specifically but growth happens expedentially. That happens and you make the decision and it really is just this people thing. So Even if you're a task orientented person. There's it doesn't matter it really doesn't matter.. There's like all it comes at it from all angles. All sides. So. 44:02.24 Robbie Spier Miller And most task oriented people are that way because at some point they they thought people were pain in the butt or too stressful and so it was easier and more relaxing to focus on tops. That's usually where it starts. 44:17.00 Tree Ryde Yeah, but once they start to see more clients and people just in their nervous system. They crave it more I mean they could. 44:25.25 Robbie Spier Miller Yeah, that's right, they discover that they actually that people are actually fun and interesting and that they can be safe with people so that that even just as a human being That's an important growing experience. 44:42.35 Tree Ryde Hundred percent. Yeah, just it's such a yeah us as humans like that's the big big big picture just humans connecting with other humans and growth in general. 44:44.93 Robbie Spier Miller Yeah. 44:54.87 Robbie Spier Miller And 1 thing I'm gonna add is that we we've had many many students here who at first they're not sure how to look at this because they've never had in their whole life a group or a culture like this that genuinely is supportive of them. And so people don't know how to interact with it in a useful way. So part of the learning is like yes we really are here to help you and yes it is okay if you mess up and you learn from it and that and that we are on your side and sometimes we have to build that trust with students because even though. You know when we talk about it. They could say oh yeah, great the reality in terms of their behavior needs to shift so that they can really embrace thought and make the most of it. So for some people that's where the flexibility the biggest flexibility growth is. 45:45.34 Tree Ryde Yeah, just the the fear of like the and is is this for real. It's like yes it is. Ah yeah. 45:51.29 Robbie Spier Miller Yeah, right? What do they want from but right or thumb people have never gotten feedback in a truly caring way.. It's always been backstabbing feedback or criticism or a way to get back at somebody. So It's it can be. Quite new for a lot of people to be in this world. 46:12.94 Tree Ryde And essentially this this model and this should actually be in any kind of business or corporation right? This this trust this feedback. No Failure. You know it's It's highly beneficial even in ah in a household right. So in personal relationships in relationships with kids other family members. So What you were saying you know a lot of this backstabbing or the what Ifs right? So it's people are creating some of this in their own mind even right? But if if. 46:50.86 Tree Ryde If ever if we all just kind of surrendered into um, being out of fear feeling confident and and staying out of maturity Dramas hey and and. And going back to what you always make fun of me for saying all the time can't we all just get along. Ah, you always make me like to say that but I'm still I'm like possibility minded and we all just need to get along hundred percent like. 47:09.20 Robbie Spier Miller Ah. Ah, they are have ah. 47:25.70 Tree Ryde It just needs to happen and I'm gonna do whatever I can and to see as many clients as I can to make that happen in the world as a shift right. 47:31.72 Robbie Spier Miller Yeah, yeah, awesome. All right? great. Well thanks. Tree. It was really fun and thank you for coming and sharing your experience with people I think it'll help them a lot because it's important for people to feel like this is the right place for you. Um, so if anybody would like to learn more. We have a lot of resources for you at If you're ready to consider doing a live training experience then you can meet with me for your hypnosis training consultation. And so you can also schedule that at or call 800 971 5774. Tree go ahead and share your contact info. 48:15.56 Tree Ryde Yeah for sir certain for sure. So actually you could probably do it because I bought it off you you have all the information but but I guess I guess that's my ideal now. Yeah so yeah Burlington Hypnosis Centre which is the Burlington Hypnosis dot ca Burlington Hypnosis dot ca. 48:35.46 Tree Ryde Or you can call. We work with people for weight loss quit smoking, stress management. So our number is 905-634-4777 that’s 905-634-4777. 48:53.45 Robbie Spier Miller Great. All right all right Tree. This was really fun. It was great to see you thanks again. Tree Ryde It's always fun, gorgeous. 49:00.40

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