Practical Hypnosis Training for Massage Therapists
Learn how to seamlessly integrate powerful suggestions into your healing massage treatments, and maximize your effectiveness by helping the mind and the body together. This is a key area for continuing massage therapy education.
When your client enters your massage clinic, they are brought into an atmosphere of calm relaxation. The dim lighting, the soothing music and your calm demeanour are all messages to your client that they have come here to relax, and their mind and body respond by relaxing. These cues are all examples of the power of suggestion, also known as hypnosis.
This hypnosis for massage therapy course will help you take this even further. You will learn how to communicate with the client to help them relax even more, and enhance their ability to bring the benefits of your massage into their day-to-day lives.
Develop the ability to guide your massage therapy clients to have a quiet mind during their massage so they can experience maximum relaxation.
You often serve as a sounding board for your massage therapy clients, and many of them share with you what is going on in their lives. You will learn how to use this as an opportunity to give them gentle suggestions to help them feel calmer.
But that's not all. You will take away quick hypnotic techniques that you can instantly teach your clients to do on their own, so the benefit they get from your massage treatment will extend into their everyday lives.
By learning hypnosis for massage therapy techniques, you can offer your clients a superior massage experience. Your clients will feel known and healed more than ever.
This hypnosis for massage therapy course will cover the following topics:
What Is Hypnosis?
Myths & Misconceptions
History of Hypnosis
Dangers & Precautions
Understanding Suggestibility
Speaking Your Client’s Language
Stepping Into Your Client’s Model Of The World
Hypnotic Language & Suggestions For Relaxation
Pain Management
Attend At Our Risk…Not Yours
If you are not satisfied with your training by the end of the first morning, you will receive a full refund, no questions asked.
Admission Requirements: Prior to admission, students are required to complete an application and attend an interview in-person or by phone. Call 800-971-5774 to schedule your admissions consultation.